Dynamic Chiller Plant Controls Optimization
Carnot Innovations has deployed our data driven chiller plant optimization platform to achieve over 20% recurring weather normalized energy savings for chiller plant equipment in large commercial buildings and public transport infrastructure facilities. Savings achieved is on top of existing BMS controls.
September 2019 - Ongoing
Buildings account for about 90% of the electricity consumption in Hong Kong. Energy consumption is not optimized and there is a large variance of Energy Use Intensity across similar types of commercial buildings. HVAC systems (Chiller Plants in particular) account for about 60% of the total energy consumption in commercial facilities. 

Carnot Innovations’ AI powered Chiller Plant Optimization platform automatically controls chiller plant set points such as Chilled Water Supply Temperature, Chiller Staging/Sequencing and Pump/Cooling Tower Speeds VSD speeds to generate persistent savings.

Data driven models were created to predict cooling loads and power consumption while an optimization model estimated the optimal setpoints. These setpoints were written back to the equipment controllers via BACnet IP. Setpoints and control sequences generated by the analytics platform ensure that Chiller Plant equipment always operates at the most optimal efficiency for all operating conditions of the facility. 

Carnot Innovations’ Chiller Plant Optimization engine is adaptive and automatically fine tunes itself to account for changing building operation conditions. It is hardware agnostic and can communicate with all devices that currently run on open protocols.

Carnot Innovations enables Continuous Retro-Commissioning.
Make your Building Smarter
Together we can apply a data driven approach to building management with advanced machine learning fault detection and AI controls.
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